Join Theatre Victoria July 22-31, 2022 and follow the yellow brick road with this beloved tale, featuring the iconic music from the film. In this timeless tale, Dorothy Gale travels from Kansas over the rainbow to the magical land of Oz. With the help of a tinman, scarecrow, and a cowardly lion, she faces a wicked witch, flying monkeys, and the Wizard himself as she tries to get back to Kansas. Because there's no place like home!
Hotel specials are available for this event. Please see below!
Candlewood Suites - $74.00+tax for Single Queen or Single King suite, $79.00+tax for a suite with two Double beds
Special Rate code is ILX4R
Click here to use the booking link. Select “EVENTS AND MORE” for Rate Preference
Call the hotel at 361-578-0236 for any questions
Call the hotel at 361-894-6480 and ask for the “Wizard of Oz” special rate
Call the hotel at 361-485-2300 and ask for the “Wizard of Oz” special rate
Call the hotel at 361-237-3306 and ask for the “Wizard of Oz” special rate